31 to 40 - #100DaysOfCode

3 March 2022

This is my fourth post in the #100daysofcode challenge series. On this page I will detail what I have covered during days 31 to 40.

A reminder of the rules for the challenge:

  1. Code for a minimum of an hour every day for the next 100 days
  2. Tweet about your progress each day (follow me @jazibobs)

Day 31 - 1 Mar 2022

Continued to work on my data visualization project for freeCodeCamp as part of the D3 unit of work. I managed to import all data into the project, create and label my axes and colour coded all sections based on temperature variance.

I will need to finish building the tooltip system tomorrow.

Day 32 - 2 Mar 2022

Managed to complete the third data visualization project for freeCodeCamp. The completed codepen for this project can be found here:

See the Pen FCC: Visualize Data with a Heat Map by Jared Rigby (@jazibobs) on CodePen.

Day 33 - 3 Mar 2022

Spent time developing my personal website. I noticed I’d been neglecting to update my side with my daily programming tasks so spent my time working in Jekyll to ensure that all parts of this process were up to date. The current posts relating to #100DaysOfCode can be found here:

Day 34 - 4 Mar 2022

Returned to the work of information security and made a start on the file inclusion module on Hack the box academy.

Day 35 - 5 Mar 2022

Continuing with InfoSec I returned to the ffuf module on Hack the box and made a start on the final assessment questions.

Day 36 - 6 Mar 2022

Spent time re-learning some Prolog to demonstrate a simple expert system for my students.

A Gist of my work is available here

Day 37 - 7 Mar 2022

Decided to return focus to the D3.js modules on freeCodeCamp and finally earn the data visualisation certification by completing the final 2 projects.

Started work on the Choropleth project today.

Day 38 - 8 Mar 2022

Completed the Choropleth challenge on free code camp. The CodePen for this project can be seen below:

See the Pen FCC: Choropleth by Jared Rigby (@jazibobs) on CodePen.

Day 39 - 9 Mar 2022

Started work on the fifth and final D3.js project for the freeCodeCamp data visualisation path. I’ll be building a tree diagram plotting the top 100 video game sales across various platforms.

Day 40 - 10 Mar 2022

Continued to make good progress on my tree diagram project for freeCodeCamp. Hoping to complete the project and submit my work tomorrow:

See the Pen FCC - Treemap by Jared Rigby (@jazibobs) on CodePen.

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