21 to 30 - #100DaysOfCode
3 March 2022
This is my third post in the #100daysofcode challenge series. On this page I will detail what I have covered during days 21 to 30.
A reminder of the rules for the challenge:
- Code for a minimum of an hour every day for the next 100 days
- Tweet about your progress each day (follow me @jazibobs)
Day 21 - 19 Feb 2022
I started this block of learning back on Hack the Box academy. I returned to their course about fuzzing web servers and learnt more about performing how to discover endpoints on websites using ffuf
Day 22 - 20 Feb 2022
I completed the Intel AI4Youth program, I spent this final session planning on how to better embed AI within the curriculum at work and looking at some examples of previous student projects.
Learn more about Intel AI4Youth
Day 23 - 21 Feb 2022
I’ve decided to spend some time working through parts of the JavaScript curriculum on freeCodeCamp as I don’t get much of a chance to use JavaScript day to day. My first focus will be completing the data visualization with D3 module.
freeCodeCamp - Data Visualization
Day 24 - 22 Feb 2022
Started work on the first major project for the D3 module on freeCodeCamp, I will be building a bar chart that tracks US GPD over time.
Day 25 - 23 Feb 2022
Continued to work on the bar chart project, was able to import all data, set up data axes and create dynamic tooltips which overlay important data when a user hovers over a bar on the chart.
Day 26 - 24 Feb 2022
Spent some more time fixing issues with my first D3 project for freeCodeCamp, hoping to have 14/14 passing unit tests by the end of the evening.
Day 27 - 25 Feb 2022
Completed the first D3 project for my freeCodeCamp data visualization unit. The completed codepen can be seen below:
See the Pen FCC: Visualize Data with a Bar Chart by Jared Rigby (@jazibobs) on CodePen.
Day 28 - 26 Feb 2022
Started work on the next D3 project for freeCodeCamp, this next project will see me plot data about doping in professional cycling using the following dataset:
Link to doping in professional cycling dataset
Day 29 - 27 Feb 2022
I completed the scatterplot project for freeCodeCamp.
The completed codepen can be seen below:
See the Pen FCC: Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph by Jared Rigby (@jazibobs) on CodePen.
Day 30 - 28 Feb 2022
Made a start on the third D3 project for freeCodeCamp. A heatmap tracking the variance of the earths temperature over a period of a couple hundred years. The dataset can be found here:
Monthly global land-surface temperature 1753 to 2014